Updated 07 Sep 2014
News and Events
I have been revamping Spark a Playful Mind’s website. The blog (which has new articles) is going to become the heart of my future newsletters, and I’m excited about setting up a couple of new WordPress plugins to streamline the process.
At the same time, I am in Florida helping my dad while he recovers from an injury and then a hospital-caused infection.1
Newsletters were stopped for a while, as I worked full-time at Tree of Life Montessori Charter School in Ukiah last year. It’s a wonderful school, by the way, and Ukiah is lucky to have this alternative school. I will talk more about it in an upcoming blog post.
Newsletter Archives
Click on the following links to open or download newsletters.2
You will need a PDF reader to view the above files. Personally, I prefer Foxit Reader for the Windows operating system, but the better-known Adobe Reader works too.
This week we are working on an automated “subscribe” link for those who wish to have future newsletters emailed to them, but in the meantime, send a request for subscription to admin@mendosite.com.
1Dad has had excellent results with a great new – but expensive – antibiotic for Clostridium difficile infection called Dificid. It stays in the intestines, where it belongs, so side effects outside the intestinal system are almost nonexistent. I mention it because C. difficile infections, often called “C diff” for short, are increasing in number and are sometimes fatal. I want sufferers to be aware of this new treatment. There are also helpful probiotics, especially Saccheromyces boulardii, which competes with C. difficile. Since S. boulardii is a friendly fungus rather than a bacterium, it is likely to survive the antibiotics that the patient is using against C diff. That should be enough information to start people on their own research.
2Whether the file opens in your browser or downloads depends upon your browser settings. If you want to save it rather than open it, right-click the link and pick “save as” (or something similar; the exact wording depends upon your browser).