Updated 18 Aug 2014


Admin @ 11:15 am

In-School Workshops

For one of our instructors to give a workshop at your site, the base rate is $195 for the first hour and $135 for each additional hour, with a one-hour minumum. Set-up and pack-up time before and after (typically totaling half an hour) are free. There may be an additional materials charge, depending upon the workshop. A second instructor at the same time costs $60 for the first hour and $50 for each additional hour. (Usually one of your own staff will be present, so we will only need to send a single instructor, unless we are dealing with a very large group.)

Camps and After-School Events

Please note that Spark a Playful Mind, a brand new educational venture, is just beginning to work with schools, camps and other groups to offer science workshops at their sites. The exact price per student will depend upon the costs for renting the classroom space and other aspects, such as advertising overhead, which may be outside Spark a Playful Mind’s control. However, a typical week-long camp is likely to cost $180 to $230, depending upon the number of hours per day, and an eight-week, once-a-week after-school event will likely cost around $140. Materials will be included in those prices.

Scholarships may be available.

Please contact us if you would like to be informed about upcoming event dates and prices.

Parties and Workshops at Your Home

Science parties start at $195. This covers one hour of demonstration and/or hands-on workshop, materials for 10 children (materials for additional children cost $5 each), our travel time, and additional time on site setting up. Additional workshop/presentation time can be booked at the rate of $135 per hour, as long as we know this in advance.

The party, of course, can continue on without us, and the kids will be left with one or more science activities, which they can continue to explore after we’re gone.

Consulting and Private Tutoring

Starting October 25, 2012, our director instituted a sliding scale fee of $0 to $65 per hour for tutoring children individually or consulting with parents about their children’s education. She is also happy to negotiate a small-group rate. Homeschoolers and parents wanting tutoring for several children in one visit will find this advantageous.

We welcome creative solutions to get our director fed while meeting your needs and will consider barter arrangements.

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